Here’s why I’m tired of reading Medium stories

And why you probably don’t enjoy writing on here as much as you could

2 min readJun 21, 2022

Medium’s great.

You can write and make money and be informed by other writers who are doing the same.

Here’s where it gets uncomfortable for me:

I don’t feel like writers are using their actual voices. They using what makes money. Yes. “They” using. Grammatically incorrect but more appropriate and realistic to how I’d express myself in real life on a topic like this to friends.

That’s how I want you feeling reading my shit. Like friends.

Let’s talk grammar “errors”.

Sometimes error adds character when you know how to use it. I’m only writing this for two reasons.

One, I want to distance myself from the writing style that exists on Medium right now. I get mad emails from Medium showcasing the same writing style over and over on different topics.

(The one all the experts swear by because it makes money. Because Medium loves it.)

Writing the way Medium encourages you to

I tried this for a few stories; some published, some not — changing my voice to fit Medium’s comfort zone literally sucks the enjoyment out of writing for me. I realized I just wanna write how I wanna write. The money is awesome. I hope one of my posts blows tf up soon. But guess what: I’m done trying to make that happen with an inauthentic voice that sounds like the top writers on here.

Bottom Line — Happiness — You Love Writing

Sometimes you gotta be true to you and write for you. At least a few articles here and there even if they don’t get reads. Why? Happiness. I’ve seen this topic come up a lot in recent days and the premise is really simple. Do what you love and you’ll be happy. You may be telling yourself “Well f*ck this guy I’m happy writing in Medium’s accepted voice”. And if this is true for you, then yes, f*ck this guy telling you to change the style up and if they hate then let them hate and watch the money pile up.

But if this resonates with you just write something the way you wanna write it and see how you feel. Especially if you know deep down you want to be consistent but allow the dominant voices on this platform to mold how you express your thoughts. I don’t know how Medium feels about pieces like this one, but I don’t see why they wouldn’t encourage a switch up now and then… Well okay, yeah I do if money’s the bottom line and they want to deliver to their audiences information in a way they are comfortable with — touche. But sometimes you need to hear things a certain way and even say things a certain way to get your sh*t off. This is for those writers.

That is this writer.

I once had a college English professor who told us “when you know the rules (of English), you can break them”…Always f*cked with that.

Listen to her. She’s a doctor I think.

Modern Emcee out.

